If one takes the time to sit down and observe children, they can discover something quite fantastic.  Children are more than young humans, they can be just as complex, determined and confident as many adults, sometimes even more so.  With few exceptions, children are generally happy and interested in the world around them.  They rarely believe that anything is impossible, and indeed it is their very belief that any change is possible that can bring about a better civilization.  After all, it is the children of today who become the leaders of civilization tomorrow.  So how can one set them on the path to becoming self-reliant and moral?

Raising Children

There is no doubt that raising children is a complex and difficult job, but it definitely comes with great rewards.  However, the fact is that parents are not given instruction manuals on how to successfully raise a self-reliant, moral child, and they often have to fend for themselves in this matter.  Parents who felt their own upbringing was moderately successful may then try to raise their children in the same way.  Parents who felt their own upbringing was unsuccessful may then try to raise their children in the exact opposite way.  Then there are those parents who believe that children should simply be allowed to grow on their own.  Unfortunately, none of these ways truly allow a parent to understand their child, including what makes their child really happy and what sets their child up for great success in the future.  In fact, leaving a child to their own devices can be somewhat likened to cutting them loose in a dangerous forest without any tools or weapons with which to defend themselves and hoping they will be able to make it out on their own.

Fortunately, raising a self-reliant, moral child is possible.  It may take time and great dedication, but considering how a strong civilization can be created by self-reliant, moral children who grow into stable, happy adults, it is most certainly time well-spent.  First, one should really try to figure out what they are seeking to help the child become, which includes considering the child’s inherent nature and potential, what the child himself wishes to become and the resources that are available.  Then, with great love for the child, one can help them to become self-reliant and moral by following these tips:

  1. Become the child’s friend. The fact is that childhood is difficult to navigate, and a child needs as many friends as possible. A child who is surrounded by authoritative individuals who tell him what to do, when to do it and how to do it can feel quite alone in their life, and very unsupported.  So begin by becoming the child’s friend.
  2. Try to truly understand a child’s problem and help them solve it. Whatever a child’s problem may be, that problem is very big for them and should not be simply dismissed.  However, in many cases a child has some ideas about how to solve their problem, and they just need a friend to talk with before they can decide on a solution.  You can coax them along, but it’s best not to replace their solutions with your own.
  3. Really watch the child. You can learn quite a lot about a child by watching them–seeing how they interact with the world around them.
  4. Listen to the child. Children need to tell others about their life and what is occurring in it.  They may not understand things that are happening in their life, or they may simply experience relief by talking with others about what is happening.
  5. Let the child help you. Children receive quite a lot from adults around them, and if they are not permitted to help in return they can feel an overwhelming sense of obligation that they must try to hide and ignore.  They can feel quite good about themselves when they are allowed to help.

Children are normally full of love, and very willing to give it.  One only needs to show them love in return, and a bond of deep friendship that leads to self-reliance and high morality can result.